Staying sober when surrounded by people who are drinking during the holidays can be an immense challenge. If you are trying to experience sober holidays, it may take some preparation on your part. One way to work towards a sober holiday is to explore Florida alcohol detox options. This can remove you from the triggers around you and let you focus on healing so you can return to enjoy the holidays. At Tides Edge Detox, our Florida alcohol detox programs can help. Your sobriety does not have to be at risk when you work on getting the support you need.
With solid relapse prevention strategies in place, you can stay sober, even at parties where other people are not sober. No matter how long it has been since you completed treatment or have never reached out for professional help, contacting an addiction therapy program can be a lifeline if you feel celebrating sober holidays has become impossible.
Consider Your Limitations
Remember that even though it is the holiday season, it’s important to keep your boundaries. You don’t have to attend every party you are invited to. If you are worried that there is going to be too much drinking at a gathering and you will be tempted, you don’t have to attend if your sobriety will be at risk. When you want to go to the party, but you expect people to be drinking, you can:
- Bring a friend who you know will remain sober and support your efforts during the party
- Go to a 12-step meeting or group therapy program to talk about your concerns
- Drive yourself to the party in case you feel triggered and need to leave
- Be honest about your recovery and let people know that you aren’t drinking anymore
You are only as strong as your commitment to your sobriety. If you are worried about sober holidays, make an effort to find ways to get support. Know your limitations and take the time to plan your arrival and departure from any parties you are invited to.
Stay Strong with the Relapse Prevention Strategies Learned at Our Florida Alcohol Detox
Relapse prevention strategies help you maintain a calm mindset when you are dealing with stress in your life. Abusing drugs or alcohol is a poor coping mechanism, and this is why you need to learn positive strategies to cope with difficult situations. Relapse prevention strategies are different for everyone, and a strategy that worked in the past can stop being effective for you over time. Relapse prevention can include:
- Finding new ways to exercise and focus your mind on better health
- Meeting up with friends to talk about your recovery process or go over what is bothering you
- Learning mindfulness to develop more control over negative thoughts and patterns
- Taking a yoga class, going for a massage, or other self-care strategies
To prevent a relapse, you have to learn ways to take care of yourself and manage your stress levels. You can learn relapse prevention strategies through treatment at a drug and alcohol detox center, in 12-step recovery groups, or by working with an individual therapist. As you move through the recovery process, you will hear stories from others focused on their sobriety. You may be introduced to new ways to manage your stress and reduce your emotional response in certain situations. Get the support you need when you want to have sober holidays, and you will be able to get through the holidays without a relapse. Find ways to stay focused on your sobriety, and you will get through the holidays this year.
Get Sober for the Holidays This Year
At Tides Edge Detox, we are ready to help you get your life back from addiction. When you are ready to experience sober holidays but go through detox, we are there. Contact Tides Edge Detox at 866.723.3127 and get started on a personalized drug detox plan today. Reaching out is the first step towards the life you deserve.