Two people discuss CBT vs. DBT

CBT vs. DBT: Which is Right for You?

Mental health problems, like anxiety, depression, and addiction, often start with behavioral concerns. There are several ways to treat mental health issues, but the most effective route is one-on-one talk therapy. The techniques used when someone enters individual therapy can vary. Still, two of the most popular and effective forms of treatment include a cognitive-behavioral…

women looking at laptop

The Types Of Opioids and Detox Near Charleston, SC

Certain types of opioids are among the most highly addictive and widely abused drugs in near Charleston, SC today. Opioids are analgesic medications that reduce pain and induce feelings of pleasure. This combination of pleasure and pain-killing makes opioids high popular and extremely addictive. This is why opioid detox Florida centers have become valuable in…

group of people in therapy

Detox Programs Near Near Myrtle Beach, SC

Recovering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol takes a methodical approach in order to be successful. Inpatient Detox is the first step of the recovery process, and it can begin as soon as you make the decision to call for help. Detox allows you to withdraw from substances with supervision so that you don’t…

people jumping in the air

Celebrate The New Year Sober Near Raleigh, NC

Getting and staying sober is difficult under the best of circumstances. During the winter holidays, though, those in recovery may find maintaining sobriety even more challenging. During this time of year, we’re bombarded with images of happy revelers toasting the season and celebratory indulging. What should be the most joyous time of the year can…